Book Signing

Hi Everyone,

Until today, I’ve done three book signings in my writing life. The first one was right after my first book was published, and I got booked into what looked like a big drug store (I was about 21 years old, and had just had published the book I wrote at 19). It was in Gilroy, California, at the time of the Garlic Festival (the smell of garlic was overwhelming as I signed), and the mayor at the time tried to kiss me. It was an interesting introduction into the world of book signings. And I was never very inclined to do book signings, and did no publicity at all for my books in those days. I spent my time writing, and taking care of my children. I never went on tour or on the road for my books. I didn’t really have time, and preferred to be at home writing, and with the kids. And I didn’t do interviews either then.(And still rarely do them now.)

My second book signing was in Chicago a while later. I can’t even remember how I got roped into it. There were two other authors scheduled to be signing books, at a book store, and somehow the people who arranged it, failed to mention that both of the other authors were very unusual and admirable people. One was a Viet Nam vet who had lost all four limbs, and had written a book about his experiences. The other was a fairly well known author whose courage I had admired, who had been severely abused and sequestered as a child, had survived it, and gone on to be a writer, and she too had suffered damage to her limbs. Not to sound disrespectful, but it was somewhat startling at the time, because both of these remarkable people signed their books with a pen they held in their teeth. And I sat between them, feeling odd and guilty because I could sign my books with a pen held in my hand. They were both interesting to talk to, but it was a very unusual experience.

And my third book signing happened during a blizzard in New York, several years later. Not a soul showed up in the terrible weather, no one bought a single one of my books, and only a homeless lady came into the store, to get out of the weather, and ate all of the hors d’oeuvres that had been provided. We chatted for a little while, she finished the food and left. And shortly after, I left too.

Somehow all three experiences convinced me not to try book signings again, and the subject hasn’t come up in thirty years. Until recently. A friend in San Francisco owns a beautiful shop for elegant things for the home, china, place mats, crystal, unusual and lovely objects, cashmere blankets,and she sells some books as well . She asked if I would do a book signing of my current non-fiction book about dogs, “Pure Joy”, and because I like her and the shop is terrific, I agreed. It sounded like fun to me when she suggested it, and I’ve been looking forward to it. And I wasn’t disappointed. She set it up beautifully with a desk where I could sit and sign, in the midst of the wonderful things she sells. Valet parkers made life easy for everyone, she had sent out a really beautiful invitation, and lots of nice people came—and I knew many of them. And we sold a lot of books. It was totally fun and beautifully done. I enjoyed it, and I think everyone else did too. An even nicer touch was that she gave a percentage of the book sales to a charity to assist homeless children. it was a win-win in every way, for the children who benefited from it, for us selling books, and for the people who came and enjoyed the event too. It was great!!

I can’t promise to do another one. But the fourth book signing of my life was a winner in every way!!!

love, danielle

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103 Comments so far
  1. Margaretha November 11, 2013 12:13 pm

    Hi Danielle,

    Can’t wait to get my copy… Here in Australia we have to wait until the 2nd of December. I popped into my local bookstore and they said they have had a lot of interest and orders already! Shame we can’t get signed copies here.

    Kindest regards,


  2. Adriana November 12, 2013 11:34 am

    J’espére pouvoir avoir la chance de te connaître et aussi d’avoir une autographe. Quand je te lis, je me lis à moi, chère Danielle.

    from Barcelona.

    ¡Un abrazo!

  3. Shirley Halewood November 13, 2013 7:58 pm

    Hello Danielle.
    That was funny what you said about the Garlic Festival. I imagine it would be very overwhelming when accompanied by an over zealous mayor.

    I wish you’d talk a little bit about your writing life. How do you get down to the business of writing a story and sticking to it? What is your technique? Do you outline? I always get the feeling that the main woman character in your books is you, a big chunk of you. I like you.

  4. Tonda Pasowicz November 14, 2013 4:34 pm

    Good evening,
    How do I get a signed book? I have a very good friend Roxanne that loves your books. I would love to get her a signed book from you for Christmas . Any book is good because she loves all of your books. I will pay for it and shipping , just need to know how to go about this.
    Thank you for your help!
    Tonda Pasowicz

  5. Cora November 15, 2013 8:57 pm

    I recently started volunteering at a school in Canada. We were fixing up the library one day and we came across a book by Danielle Steel. The title is “Martha and Hilary and the Stranger”. I immediately said to the other girls that it must be one of your very first books. I brought it home with me and I’ve just now googled you as I saw that you dedicated the book to your daughter Beatrix. I googled to see what the name of your first daughter was and sure enough.

  6. Melissa November 21, 2013 7:33 am

    I was just thinking about this last night while reading one of your books. I wish that I could get a book signed by you. You are my favorite author and I have read every book you have written. I did have a time that I fell behind and am now catching up with your latest few but I am almost there again. Your books are well worth reading more than one time. I will be anxiously waiting for your new book. ♥

  7. sandy roberts December 7, 2013 4:45 pm

    Hi Danielle,

    I am 55 years old and have been reading your books since my teens. I have NEARLY the entire collection. I am always on the lookout for the books I am missing. My achievement is to complete the set. I have all hardbacks. Some, sadly, i am told, are no longer in
    print. Obviously I do not know you personally, but I have always felt that your writings are based on your own life experiences. You come across as a thoroughly decent human being as, despite your
    success, through your own hard work, your feet remain firmly planted and you reach out to those less fortunate. I look forward to reading ‘Winners’ and ‘Pure Joy’. This has been a joy to me to be able to contact you. Thank you for your books and keep on writing. Regards Sandy Roberts x

  8. Marianne Dyczka March 3, 2014 2:19 pm

    Dearest Danielle!

    I’am a longtime reader since a teenager and would very much be honoured to have you sign one of your books.

    Is there any possible way that this could be done from Mississauga, Ontario in Canada.
    Devoted Reader,

    ps Thank you for a great escape and beautiful holidays that I could not afford in real life.

  9. Sharon Moore April 28, 2014 6:27 am

    You may already know but your friend Patty Suchy passed away a few weeks ago. I live 2 doors away from her and I had seen all of your books in her home and she had commented that she had all of your signed books and that you were a great friend of hers. The family are finalizing the cleaning out of Pattys house Her niece took your entire set of your signed books. I don’t think they know that it could be of great value. What would be your suggestion of how to inform them of the importance of your wonderful books. (By the way, I have read most of them over the years) Thank you for your time. I would appreciate hearing from you. God Bless You!

  10. Joe Benzel July 15, 2014 11:41 am

    I have to say those are quite some experiences 🙂 i have always loved your writing im 25 now and was prob about 17-18 when i first started reading your books… i have now made it a personal goal to buy everyone of your books both hard and soft back. i have 68 outta 95 and am still collecting. i have grown to love all your books and i really really hope to meet you Atleast once in this lifetime

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  14. Elizabeth March 14, 2015 9:32 am

    My mom has a library collection of your books! I wish you would come to do a book signing in the Los Angeles area of CA or even just somewhere within driving distance. I would love to take my mom!

  15. Loveth October 1, 2015 12:19 am

    I love like pretty much all of your books and I’ve been reading them since 2006. I have been craving to meet you even for a little signature across one of the many books I own that you have written. Through your novels I have grown, and it will be nice if you did a book signing for “country” here in southern California. Love ya lots!!!

  16. Dema October 8, 2015 8:07 pm

    Hello Ms Danielle Steel I love your novels they are amazing!! My cousin and I are currently reading 44 Charles Street and so far just like the others incredible work! By far my favorite is betrayal ! Great book 🙂 I’d love if u would come to Chicago again for another book signing I would definetly be there to get a signed copy !

  17. Louisa January 24, 2016 5:47 am

    Hi Danielle, my wish is to meet you one day for a book signing in the U.K.
    I have read your books my entire life following on from my mum and collect them too. No other author captures a storyline like you for me. They have helped me through many ups and downs in my life.
    Sending you lots of blessings.

  18. Arthur lee March 19, 2016 5:46 am

    Hello you are a incredible person i just discovered your book as i at the goodwill store, I’ve been hooked every was first sight in was awesome i would like to meet you, but you said you don’t do book signing so i gess iam in your fan

  19. Flora March 25, 2016 12:59 am

    I love your books and once I start reading them I can’t stop reading them. I always finish your books in couple days. If you ever have another book signing I would like to have it signed.

  20. debbie johnston April 5, 2016 3:43 pm

    I would absolutely LOVE to meet you.i have all of your books and love every one of them .I live in logan ohio.The beautiful Hocking would Love the beauty and we would love to meet our you Danielle

  21. Robert Plowman August 8, 2016 6:58 pm

    My wife has every book written by you, she was hoping for a book signing in New England or NYC, I can understand your frustration, Andrea will be disappointed , I will let her know why, keep her reading

  22. Arthur lee September 16, 2016 10:03 pm

    Good evening Mrs Steele..i was in a goodwill store the other day and i don’t know why but your book Granny Dan attracted me and i walked out with 12 of them iam hooked every time i run across your novels i have to get them mybe it’s your photograph you look so beautiful i wish you would come to Phoenix, Arizona to sign all my book’s old and new if your husband don’t mind love you dearly.

  23. Lisa Emmett November 5, 2016 7:50 pm

    I love reading your books I can’t wait till a new one comes out! you are the only author I love to read . It has been my dream to meet you!. I live in Greeneville Tennessee . Hope to see you someday ?

  24. Janice Coelho January 7, 2017 8:56 am

    I had read close to a dozen Danielle Steel books when I was a young mother, and couldn’t wait to read the newest one. Then as time went on i quit reading all together, now at 69 I am attempting to play catch up and am now starting my own personal collection of Danielle Steels would be wonderful if she did another book signing in SF.

  25. Crystal summers January 12, 2017 2:17 pm

    Hi danielle i love all of your books. You are my favorite author. Iam currently reading blue. I love it and i can not wait to startt reading your new book heiress. I live in oregon and i hope to meet you sometime.
    Crystal summers

  26. Gwendolyn W Robinson February 6, 2017 10:00 am

    Hi Danielle, I have read SO many of your books. I would Love to meet you at a book signing. I really wish that could happen.

    How do I get a signed copy of one of your books?

    Thanks for so many good books.


  27. Shailee Doucette March 21, 2017 8:37 am

    Hey Danielle,
    I was wondering if you are coming to Canada. My best friends birthday is tomorrow and she absolutely adores you! Reads all of your books. I love you too by the way haha. I would love to arrange for her to get one of her books signed by you and meet you. Please let me know! Thanks

  28. Janet Garcia April 2, 2017 6:44 pm

    Danielle! I would love to attend to a book singing! My mother in law loves your books and she has been so good to me, that i feel like I want to do something nice for her! You are that nice thing! Lol gets really hooked on your stories and one especially gave her hope. The one with the woman that gets cancer, she is currently struggling with a disease called ” Addison’s disease” basically she doesn’t produce enough hormones. Anyway, I had a wake up call- many times we don’t value people enough- we value them when they are dead. I want to show her how much she means to me. We are in New York so if you are planning any book signings or ever around town, lunch/dinner is on me! Yes it’s very far fetched but it’s most definitely worth a try 🙂 thank you for giving her a light at the end of the tunnel

  29. Jacki Pirnie April 29, 2017 7:49 am

    Good day,

    I want to tell you a bit about my mom and your impact on her life.

    My parents had 4 children, at one point, 3 and under (I’m a town). She was pursuing her college degree but stopped when she had her first child. She worked third shift in a coffee shop so she could stay home and take care of her children while expecting and throughout all pregnancies. She later picked up jobs including house cleaning and later cleaning for a corporation.

    7 years ago, the strongest woman I know, suffered a series of strokes which left her partially paralyzed and disabled. She went from being nonstop to nothing. After months and months of rehab, she went home.

    The transition has not been easy but your writing is one distraction that takes her away. She loves your novels and the only thing she ever asks for on birthdays or holidays are your novels when new ones come out.

    I came to this site because for Mother’s Day, I plan on purchasing two of your new novel, Kysset, one for her and one for I to read together. I was hoping to see that you had book signings in New England because I am sure she would love to hear about your inspirations and thought process but I understand your reservations to do so.

    Is there a list I can be out on to be notified in the event you decide to journey on a book tour?

    Thank you and please, continue to do what you do so well. It helps folks in many situations escape from reality.

    Thank you,

    Jacki Pirnie

  30. Robyn May 9, 2017 3:45 pm

    Hi Danielle

    I’m a big fan of yours and I would love for you to do a book signing for me . I love your books and I would love to meet you in person . My grandma who is no longer alive now when she was she loved your books and got me started reading your books and I truly love them . Im very sorry to find out you had a very bad experience I promise you I WONT let you down .


  31. Trisch June 19, 2017 11:13 am

    Greetings Ms. Steel,
    How I would love to go to a book signing mostly to just meet you. It’s through your books I have “traveled” to so many places and learned so much about NY & Paris, both are very fun, beautiful and romantic places to be! I grew up a country girl, joined the military as a nurse and married my husband, who is also military and from Long Island. After 26 wonderful years of serving the Army, we are now retiring back at his family home on Long Island. I love your stories and have enjoyed them for many years. I truly enjoy your commitment to your books and mostly to your beloved children. You are an amazing author and very dedicated to your children/family; that is a treasured gift! I hope you will consider doing another book signing. My husband has promised me I can go if you ever have another one. My hopes are high !!! Thank for you the world you have brought to my mind and imagination.

  32. Catherine Hawley July 30, 2017 8:19 pm

    Dearest Danielle, Over the years I have always wanted to get into contact with you. I am a somewhat shy person. I would like you to know however, that I have every single one of your books! Most in hardcover, but the earlier ones in paperback. I am quite addicted to your books, and cannot wait for the new ones to arrive! I have them preordered in advance! I have just read, sadly, that you do not do book signings, and have had bad luck with three out of four you have done. As a lifelong reader of your books, it is on my bucket list to one day meet you in person! You are an inspiration, and a truly remarkable person! If that does not happen though, if I were to send a book, with paid return postage, would you be able to sign it for me? I understand if you decline for you probably get asked this a thousand times! I do not want a publisist or assistant signing it for you or a stamp, i really would like your true authentic signature. Please please!! I will thank you in advance if you can, and also thank you if you can’t for at least taking the time out of your busy schedule to read this request. Thank you so much! Much luck to you in your future and God bless! Cathy Hawley. P.s. Let me know where to send my book to if I am lucky enough to get your signature! Thanks again!

  33. Karen Letizio September 11, 2017 11:42 pm

    I would love if my 90 yr old mother who has read nearly all of your books could meet you

  34. Cynthia Osborne October 11, 2017 10:40 am

    I have been reading your books & collecting them since I was 12. I got hooked when I read “The Promise.” I am so sad I missed your book signing in San Francisco!! I live in the Bay Area. Would you consider coming back to your friends shop sometime? I would love to meet the woman behind all these beautiful stories I have been reading for close to 40 years. You write more books before I finish the prior one and you always give me something to look forward to! Thankyou for your dedication to writing.

  35. Vince Martin Tanner Jr October 24, 2017 7:51 pm

    Hello my name is posted “Vince Tanner Jr.” As you can tell I’m not the best write, but my wife loves your books so much I’m reaching out as a shot in the dark. If I send you a book of yours to sign she would lose it her name is Amber. Thanks for your time

  36. Glenda Tullgren November 8, 2017 8:53 pm

    Dear Danielle,
    I was sad to find you don’t do book signings but I probably wouldn’t either after those experiences. The reason I was looking into was for my mother who is 86 has your hardback collection and gives them to me to read also. I thought it would be so special to take her to a signing and be able to meet you after all these years would just be the best gift ever. She lost her husband a year ago and he always got her your newest edition for Christmas. I see the best I can do is get a signed copy for her. We live in Northern California so if you decide to endure another signing in this area I would have Mom first in line! You have a wonderful gift and we are so happy to enjoy what you do.

    Best Regards, Glenda

  37. Lyn Eavia December 16, 2017 8:21 pm

    Danielle, I loved your story, I write children’s books. I hope I can open a shelter for kids. I was like kids that were battered also. I would Like to help the kids.
    I wrote two children’s books.

    I love you books.

    Lyn Peavia

  38. Lyn Eavia December 16, 2017 8:22 pm

    Danielle, I loved your story, I write children’s books. I hope I can open a shelter for kids. I was like kids that were battered also. I would Like to help the kids.
    I wrote two children’s books.

    I love your books.

    Lyn Peavia

  39. Belle Johnson January 23, 2018 2:40 pm

    Hi Danielle my mum ready all your book it would be her birthday in a few days time and a birthday present I would her to meet u as she a big fan thank you belle

  40. Eva January 25, 2018 2:17 pm

    I know I already posted this, but not sure if you read them. My sister from a small town in Mexico with only a third grade education, has read most of your books in English. she doesn’t know much English, but she is able to understand the story. Your books are the only ones she enjoys. She is 75 years old and wants to thank you for your wonderful books. She was the one that got me hooked on your books. It would be so wonderful for her to meet you. She lives in Diamond Bar CA.

  41. Maria Lazo March 1, 2018 10:57 pm

    Hi Danielle I’ve been reading your books since I was 14 years old . My first book i read was Star and i loved it, from that point i have purchased all of your books . Im 45 years old and I’m starting to introduce your books to my four girls. My dream is to have a book signed by you. I think you are a wonderful writer, someone that takes me into all of the different situations and i get to relax reading your books. Thank you ! After a long day with my 6 children i sit in bed at night and read. Thank you and hope to some day own a signed book by the greates YOU.

  42. Gloria small March 18, 2018 8:40 am

    I love u and all of your novels I have never read one of your books I didn’t enjoy.i would truely love to see fact I have put u on my bucket list.i love to travel maybe u can go in one of the Oprah Cruse and be part if the book club.what ever u decided to do

  43. philip allan March 24, 2018 12:43 pm

    i would like to know if you ever have a visit where i could meet you in new hampshire

  44. jack farmer March 25, 2018 4:54 pm

    My wife loves your books. I was wondering how I can get a signed copy for her for her birthday? Also, will there be a book signing in the future. Please advise. March 26, 2018.

  45. Mary Crawford July 25, 2018 10:00 am

    I am a huge fan of your books as well as my 87 year old mother !! I have the whole collection and even though I haven’t read them all I plan to once I retire one day. My mother on the other hand reads the book cover to cover once it hits the stores. We both dreamed of a day to attend a book signing. Maybe you will try a fifth time someday and wherever it’s at we will be there !!!

    Thank you for your continued success and hope to meet you one day!!

    Mary Crawford and my mother Betty Walick.

  46. Celeste Ostrander August 10, 2018 10:43 am

    What a wonderful depiction of your experiences! So very glad you had such a positive experience in our favorite city of San Francisco!! Not sure when this was, but if you return to SF again I would love to see you!! Wishing you all the best and my love to all the children!

  47. Pamela Young September 14, 2018 6:37 pm

    Miss Steel, I have every book you’ve written, as I have mentioned to you before. I read what you have written above and may have a suggestion? How about bought signing some books, at home, and making it possible for people to at least be able to have an autographed book of yours, of course for purchase. (especially at Xmas time)I don’t feel to bad about not seeing you in person but having a signed book in my collection would be so thrilling! Thanks, Pam

  48. Tariana December 27, 2018 9:19 pm


    For a while I stopped reading and one day my cousin Tina suggest

  49. Tariana December 27, 2018 9:38 pm

    Dear Danielle,
    I posted a comment before this one and accidentally sent it when it was not finished. Anyways. My cousin suggested one of your books to me in the begining of this year because I was telling her I wanted to start reading again. When I saw her collection of books I noticed most of the books were yours. She suggested that I should read The Gift. That was the very first book I have ever read from you and ever since then I wanted to read more of your books. I just wanted to say that I love your stories and I hope you will at least have one more book sighing in the future. If not thats okay. Thank you so much for creating these wonderful stories.

  50. Jamie June 8, 2019 11:53 am

    Hi Danielle,
    I love your books and how masterfully you write and how you capture all my attention. Our public library here in Cortez, CO. Just held there first literary festival and had Mrs. Anne Hillerman as there special guest. It was such a delight to meet her and got me thinking how great it would be to meet and have a book signing with you. Now, I’m here. Haha. My first book I picked up by you was “Power Play” I read it to a coworker of mine and ever since I read every book with him by you. Thank you Danielle. 😁🤓❤💕📘

  51. Cindi June 23, 2019 7:24 am

    Hi Danielle. My mom of 85 years old just loves reading your books. She reads no other author because she feels your the best there is. She asked me if you do book signings because her dream is to meet you. I see you don’t do any but I wondered if I could purchase a book you would personally sign and note to her. She would be so elated. Please let me know and I thank you in advance
    Cindi Noyes
    for Rita Tricarico and her birthday is September 4th

  52. Joyce Elick August 15, 2019 12:39 pm

    I’ve been reading your books and fell in love with them, I would love to have a signed book. How can I get one?

    Big fan
    Joyce Elick

  53. Jodie Diane Burke August 19, 2019 7:35 pm

    Ive been a loyal fan since my mother first read your book to me when i was just a kid…..ever since ive bought every book that i can afford to this day…..i have no words to really express or define how i feel or enjoy your amazing writing talent….i just wish some how that i can actually meet you or even communicate with u over emails of even a phone…..i would love it and cry since my mother passed away all i really have is the deep memory of her sharing your books with me….so hard to explain to you how much impact you have in my life with your knowledge and passion behind your written gift….im lost in words while i write this but You are and only You will be my most favorite loved author of all time for as long as i breathe i will forever read cherish all your work as you are my and my late mothers favorite author of all time….i would like to Thank You from my heart on how much you help me in my life …..just reading your books heals me from my scars that i have experienced in this krazy life….Thank You for being you as a intelligent powerful woman that i truly WISH one day to finally meet or get in contact one day……you truly are a lyrical genius…and i wish you the best in your promissing long positive carreer…..u r so inspiring and mean so much to me ….im a forever FAN FRIEND AND FAMILY through your work….THANK U and hope to atleast get a reply one day….THANK U…..GOD BLESS

  54. Lorraine Slaughter September 2, 2019 10:44 pm

    My wife absolutely loves your books. They took her out of a very dark time in her life and she’s been collecting them ever since. The first book she ever read was called,”Wonderlust”. I was wondering if I could get you Mrs. Steele to sigh it for her? You wouldn’t have to see her . I just wish you knew how much your stories mean to people. In my wife’s case it brought her back to life and saved her from a depth of depression.

    ML Slaughter

  55. maricar resentes October 12, 2019 11:47 pm

    Can’t wait to see Daniel Steel in person. Been reading most of her books since I was a Teacher in the Philippines until I came here in the US. I am thrilled to see her soon if given a chance since I am luckily residing here in the Bay Area.

    Hope and pray that someday I could meet her and sign one of her books for me.

    Not losing any hope,


  56. Jo Ann Plitt October 28, 2019 11:06 am

    You are my favorite author. His Bright Light was my favorite book. I have a daughter who committed suicide so it helped me tremendously. My second favorite book was Dangerous Games. If you ever have another book signing I would like to take my mother with me to see you because she also reads all of your books. You’re awesome! Thank you!

  57. Tatyana Annenkova November 21, 2019 11:43 am

    English is my second language, I started to read books to improve my English. Absolutely love to read D. Steel books and red almost all of them. Always wanted to meet my favorite author.
    Thank you.
    Tatyana Annenkova.

  58. Dora Montgomery January 11, 2020 3:55 pm

    Love your books and would love to meet you and get a book autographed. Was hoping you would do a signing in Portland Oregon or Seattle Washington. Please let me know if you ever do.

  59. Aloha Hernandez April 29, 2020 12:33 am

    I would Love to meet my Favorite author and I hope that one day you would be willing to do a signing in California I’d drive hours just to meet you! ❤️

  60. Kathy Carman June 7, 2020 1:32 pm

    I recently sent you a fb message requesting an autographed book for my precious neighbor. Ms. Virginia will be 96 years old this month! She owns every single book that you have ever written. The first book is so worn from multiple readings that it has rubber bands holding all the loose pages together. PLEASE reach back, She reads your books every night. Please help us suprise her!
    Our little community loves Ms. Virginia so much. Thank you for this consideration!

  61. Rosa June 18, 2020 8:45 am

    Hello Danielle,

    I have been reading your books for years and I love every single one of them. I would love a signed book I’ve been trying to check if you ever come to sign in NY. But as I’ve been reading you don’t do any more book signing. Maybe there is a way to purchase one.

    Lots of love,


  62. Melvin Leihr` June 18, 2020 8:35 pm


    My girlfriend soon to be fiance, has been incarcerated for 4 years. Your books helped her get through the long days and nights, weeks, months, and years. She always tells me that her wish is to meet you one day and tell you how much your writing empowered her. Please won’t you do another book signing somewhere in the bay area or close by?



  63. Cathy Sebastian July 20, 2020 8:19 pm

    I started reading your books in 1975. I have continued to read all of your books . You are my favorite Author of all time. I admire you as a person also. I have always wanted to meet you please let me know if you decide to do another book signing or interview.

  64. Rosemary Anderson July 28, 2020 7:35 am

    I wrote you years ago, that I collect author autographed books.
    You sent me an autographed photo which I treasure. Did you actually sign it?
    I’m reading Daddy’s Girls and really enjoy it. I love all your books.
    You have really helped me in this time of isolation.

    Thank you,

  65. Reinaldo Lopez December 4, 2020 5:17 pm

    Hi Danielle. My name is Rey and in all honesty I have never read any of your books however my wife have all your books. She is definitely a super fan.My wife is an amazing woman. She spent 23 years in the United States Army serving our country. She is also an amazing mom of four beautiful young ladies and a grandmother of five angels. I have been searching all over the place trying to get her an autograph photo of you to no avail, This will definitely be a Christmas that she will ever forget. Anyways is there’s any possibility that I can get an autograph picture. Her name is Sherry Lopez and here is my address. Rey Lopez 1912 Meadow Creat Dr. Apopka Florida 32712. I have no idea if this will work but praying that is does. By the way I do not mind paying for the picture. Either way thank you so much for giving my wife many joyful years while reading your books.

  66. Rosemarie Mair February 24, 2021 6:27 pm

    Hi Danielle, I just wanted to tell you what an amazing author you are, but I’m sure you hear that alot. With everything going on in the world today, it’s refreshing to read one of your books and forget about all the negative things. I have the majority of your books but two I don’t have that I am getting this week is the one about your son and a gift of hope. I am so sorry for your loss. I suffer from bipolar and manic depression and its an every day struggle. What I was wondering was if you had started a charity for him that I can contribute to, and charity or organization for the homeless. It takes a special person to be able to work with the homeless and for eleven years, I believe God calls these people angels. 🙏 Thank you for making me smile every day within the pages of your books. Stay safe and again thank you. Rose Mair

  67. Olga Ramirez March 4, 2021 10:20 pm

    Hello Ms Steel,

    I would like to say that I really enjoy reading your books. I have been reading them since around the late 80’s. Just want to thank you for being one of the best authors ever. I just bought The Affair this afternoon and is a great book.

    Thank you,

    Olga Ramirez

  68. Jim Gaddis May 12, 2021 6:57 am

    Hope you are having a great day. My wife Lori has read every book you have written. She spent countless hours finding them all,I would so love to get an autographed copy of any of your books to her for her 77 th birthday. Price is no object.
    You have brought countless hours of enjoyment to her.
    Your #1 fans
    Lori Gaddis
    1646 west Carmel bluffs drive
    Saint George
    Utah 84790

  69. Jim Gaddis May 12, 2021 7:00 am

    I just wrote you and made a mistake in our address, it should be
    1846 west Carmel bluffs drive
    Saint George. Utah. 84790

    Thanhs so much,

  70. Ashley June 6, 2021 3:46 am

    My mom has been reading your books ever since I can remember! I’m now 33 years old and I’ve been hooked on your books for quite some time now as well! I’m wondering, how might I go about getting a signed copy of one of your books for my mom for her birthday in September? Thank you so much!

  71. Kay July 3, 2021 7:53 am

    Hello! My mom has been a dedicated fan of yours for many years and has read all of your work. She’s a single mom and has worked so hard and sacrificed so much for my sister and me. Her 60th birthday is this year and I would love to be able to give her an autographed book of yours. If this is something that you would be able to do, I’d like to know how to make that happen!
    Thank you!

  72. Jessica Martinez July 4, 2021 1:39 pm

    Thank you for amazing books. I’ve started reading your books since I was 12yo. I’ve enjoyed every moment of it, & every emotional rollercoaster I’ve gone trough with them. Thank you! I hope I get to meet you some day! It would be a dream come true! Thank you!!!

  73. Valerie Dunning July 8, 2021 6:23 pm

    Greetings Mrs.Steele:
    I would like to thank you for all of the pleasurable moments of reading throughout my life of 50 years. Watching my mother travel from novel to novel has been exciting. She’s ninety four years young and quickly approaching 95 on August 1 , 2021. It is my wish for her birthday gift that she have an opportunity to speak with you. She’s a former educator from Mobile AL. She currently resides in Charlotte,NC with me and my husband. If this is possible I may be reached at 704-941-1340.
    I’m certain this may be an odd request but she’s s been enjoying your stories longer than I can remember. I purchased her one of your books yesterday and she’s already 3/4 completed. Her name is Rosemary Little Watson. Currently looking forward to this years publications .
    Thanks in advance.
    Valerie Dunning

  74. Lisa August 12, 2021 4:14 pm

    My mother is turning 80 on September 6th and is an avid fan of your work. Is it possible to get a book signed for her? This would make her 80th birthday so special.

  75. Tonya Hayes August 24, 2021 4:32 am

    Hello Danielle, I’m a writer of Poems.. I’m now 76yrs and have been writing since I’ve been 15 but lost most material in a fire.. I’m having a ruff time trying to get money together for a publisher, I’m going thru for the third time of Cancer and I did wanted to get at least two books published but it’s hard..any suggestions

  76. Betty November 18, 2021 7:53 am

    I have a book called Wings and your signature is on the front of the book.
    The cover is white cardboard and the signature is in gold.
    Was this something you did for a lot of your books? I have never seen that on any of your other books.

    Sincerely, Betty

  77. steven burkey December 29, 2021 11:28 am

    Is there any way that I can get one of your signed books for my wife? You are her favorite author. She had just published a book of poems titled “A Little Birdie Told Me”. If you are interested, you can read some of her poems on Amazon under the name of Lorraine Burkey. She had an AVM (like a stroke when she was 21. She has a walker for getting around the house and a wheelchair for outdoors. She has a positive outlook on life and has a guardian angel. I would like to surprise her with a book, if possible.

    Steve Burkey

  78. Dee naegele January 25, 2022 9:37 am

    Your writing has gotten me thru some very tough times in my life. If I need to quiet my inner turmoil, I open up one of my favorites that you have blessed us with. Thank you. Dee

  79. Iona April 23, 2022 9:35 pm

    I read the promise when I was 15. I’m rereading it now at 49. It has stayed with me all these years. And always will. I’m amazed as to why it’s not as popular as many others you have wrote. It’s such a beautiful and tragic story. Young love. I have been dabbling in writing since I was 12. But I never can afford to stay home and write. I wish I could. I’d love to meet you one day. A pipe dream of mine. I think your an amazing person and author. My inspiration. I also feel we have much in common. Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with the world. Much respect and best wishes xxxx

  80. Amelia Pacheco May 20, 2022 3:16 pm

    Hi Danielle Steel I’m a hugh fan of yours. I would love to have a book or all my books signed by you, but I know that would probably never happen , I just wanted to tell you that I love all your books so much that every birthday my husband buys me your books . My goal is to collect all of your books . I’ll be lost & sad if you ever stop writing . Thank you for such great booksI enjoy reading them so much that once I start reading one of your books I can’t put it down & some are so touching that I find it so hard to read through my tears . Lots of love so greatful to get to read your books❣️❣️❣️❣️

  81. Dave Leonadr May 27, 2022 1:25 pm

    I have just run into a large group of signed books Signed Schaeffer? with a date under the name. I don’t want to sell them w/a false signature! Help please if you can & TU for taking the time on this.

  82. Stephanie June 8, 2022 7:59 pm

    Hi Danielle Steel I have been reading your books since I was a teenager I am still reading them when I don’t buy them I go to the library and check out at least five at a time I have a bookshelf full of your books I love them all you are a great author and I love you

  83. Samantha Mcmullan June 26, 2022 8:29 am

    Hi, my mum is such a fan of you and collects everyone of your books. She has a book shelf as big as my house for collection lol. Its upcoming her birthday and theres nothing i would love more is to arrange either a signed letter or book to gift her. It would make her day

  84. Callie Lagge July 22, 2022 11:30 am

    Hi Danielle,
    My name is Callie Danielle Lagge and you guessed it…my middle name is because my mom is a big fan of your writing and named me after you. After reading some of your books, I can see why she loves your books so much. My sister and I have taken it on to always buy my mom your books as soon as they come out, she hasn’t had to buy a book herself in years.
    This next year she is celebrating 11 years of sobriety. Quite a feat and we are SO proud of her! I am trying to come up with an amazing celebration for her. Was trying to see if you have any other book signings Planned in the next year. I read your comments above, didn’t sound like it. But this would be a trip of a lifetime for my mom. Thanks for your continuous books that have brought so much joy to my mom, as well as my life.
    Best regards,

  85. Anne Meyer August 8, 2022 8:05 pm

    Hi Danielle,

    My mother-in-law is a huge fan of yours and has a treasured library of all your books. She will be 85 this month and I was wondering if you’d consider signing a book for her special birthday? It would mean the world to her! Thank you for your consideration.

    Anne Meyer

  86. Darrell Neal January 26, 2023 8:40 pm

    I have a friend who is dying to get a signed copy of Silent Honor. She is a huge fan of yours. She has literally read everything that u have written n even own almost all of them. I truly hope that you can help her out.

    Kindest regards,

  87. Effie Marvelis February 5, 2023 11:17 am

    Hello Danielle
    I’ve been a fan of yours for years. I have read most of your books, and I always admired the way you keep your books so interested. I know there’s alot of writers out there,but I only read your books. Thank you for writing such great stories.

  88. Catherine White February 6, 2023 8:02 am

    Hello Danielle,

    I have been a big fan of your books for years. I remember years ago when I did not have cable TV and I lived by myself. I always enjoyed the evening reading your books before I went to bed.

    I would love to have a signed book by you. Please tell me how I can obtain this; if possible.

    Sincerely, Catherine White

  89. Leroy April 16, 2023 10:34 am

    We would like to see you when you are making an appearance. Anything coming up in the near future? Thanks so much.

  90. Jonathan Myers May 20, 2023 4:50 pm

    Dear Danielle Steel,

    Would you kindly like to send me an autograph picture of you by mail for me, please? My address is 1758 West Brentwood Place in Anaheim, California USA 92804 & my name is Jonathan Myers & I’m a huge fan of your finest books! Thank you so very much, Danielle & I love you!

    Jonathan Myers

  91. Audrey Roybal June 3, 2023 12:17 am

    Hello Mrs.Steele
    I love your books, I have been reading them for many years. My dream is to get your autograph in a book one day. I live in a small mining town in Morenci,AZ. Hope to hear from you.

  92. Kristi Penney August 16, 2023 6:18 pm

    I don’t know if this is still active or if you read these comments but I am an avid reader…my mother passed on the love of your books to me at a young age. I can sit and read your book and lose all track of time! I’ve not read one that I didn’t absolutely love!!! My mom and I shared the love of what you wrote and would share our books with each other. She has since passed but I still read with great joy! I was googling try to see if you ever did signings as I would one day love to meet the author who sparked my love for reading, that is how I can across this page. I felt that I needed to thank you reading your books help me feel closer to my mom, I only wish she were still here to read them with me!!!

  93. Rosa Benkovic October 17, 2023 10:48 am

    Hi Danielle,

    My aunt is a fan of yours! I love to take her one day to meet you. She’s read ALL of your books that been translated to Spanish. I wish I could find a place where they had more inventory of you translated books.

    Rosa Benkovic

  94. Mayra verdugo November 5, 2023 12:15 am

    Hi Danielle,

    First of all wow amazing piece of heaven you are. My mother love you am truly lucky to have an inspirational mother and to see her read hundreds of your books and influence reading and books on me and my kiddos. Is there anyway I could get a email when ever you do a signing I will love my mom to have an art piece of her #1 writer🫶🏻. Thank you for your time and your creation 🙏🏽.

    Mayra verdugo

  95. Christy Best November 25, 2023 6:30 am

    Hi was wanting to order a book for my Mom’s Christmas, as she has been a fan as long as I remember. I have bought her so many as gifts but was going to see if it was possible to get an autographed one. Her name is Sandy and she has had alot of illness this year so even tho things are really tight for me this year helping her, I was going to see if there was an option to purchase an autographed book. Thanks for your time, Christy Best

  96. newhouse November 28, 2023 9:54 am

    Hi Danielle,

    My dad and your dad were great friends. I have many of his hand painted pieces which he gave my dad,
    I laugh that you were in Gilroy since it reminds me of my dad. The king of onion and garlic business.
    you can reach me via my E mail.
    I read your book of the journey with your son, I understand.

    Best regards


  97. Rey Lopez December 5, 2023 6:00 pm

    Hi. My wife served in the military for 24 years and she has every Danielle Steel book. She is always the first I. Line waiting for her books to come out. My wish is the get her a signed copy of one of her books. Her name is Sherry Lopez. What can I do to get her a signed copy. Thanks in advance 2566845554.

  98. Gloria January 25, 2024 12:50 pm

    I enjoy most of the storey lines, but I get the impression although I know Daniel Steel spends a lot of time in France, that she has a bug to bear about English people and French people are superior to English people in her books. It could put a lot of English people off from reading her books maybe she’s not bothered.
    I myself find it insulting of some of her storylines in some of her books.

  99. Rae Carey February 28, 2024 2:56 pm

    I just found a book of Danielle Steel’s. There is a signature “Sidney Steele 2016” inside, front page. Is that just someone who wrote her name on the book or is it the way Danielle signed a book at one time? Thanks Rae

  100. Chrissy March 6, 2024 4:55 am

    I live your books and would love to come to least one book signing in my life
    I always look forward to the next book!

  101. Tony March 26, 2024 4:38 pm

    Hi I’m just wondering what i need to do to get your autograph my aunt is one of your biggest fans so i wanted to do something nice for her could you please let me know

  102. Ying Wu April 19, 2024 9:24 am

    I have a small podcast that I would like to do, today at PDT 10:10 a.m. . I normally do it at PDT 5:10 a.m. today I want to read out Danielle Steel quotes. And then if she is here, I would love to have her on and I would share on my podcast

  103. Conni Neerhof May 2, 2024 6:14 am

    I’m not sure who I’m writing to, if it’s actually Danielle Steel or not, but I’m a long shot it is here goes.
    I know this is crazy, but my mother turns 88 this summer and she is one of your biggest fans!
    She has read every book you have written and loves every one.
    It would be a wonderful surprise if somehow she could meet you.
    We could meet for coffee or take you out for a nice dinner somewhere of your choosing.
    Like I said I know this is a long shot, but I love my mother dearly and this would make her heart sing.
    She is the most giving and unselfish person I know.
    Whoever is reading this, let me know if this is even possible.
    If not I totally understand.
    Thank you for giving her so much joy.
    Conni Neerhof