9/26/16, Happy Endings

Hi Everyone,

I hope that all is well, and that you had a good week last week, and that this week is off to a great start.

Today is one of my favorite days. It’s my youngest daughter’s birthday, so a happy day at our house. She is the last of my chicks still in the nest, and I’m very grateful to have her with me, although she leads a busy life. Today is also the birthday of her father, my late husband John. I thought I was absolutely brilliant when I gave birth to her a few weeks early, on her father’s birthday. I thought it was the perfect birthday gift for him. When, in fact, funnily enough, neither of them thought it was a great plan, they both always felt that the other had stolen their birthday!!! It’s also the birthday of three of my good friends. So a happy day all around.

I just recently saw a movie I really enjoyed. Once in a while I enjoy a good thriller, but I always love a good Ro-Co: a romantic comedy. I’m a romantic at heart, and I LOVE happy endings in real life, and in movies. (I hate movies that depress me and leave me feeling down for a week. I’d much rather come out of a movie all happy and glowy and full of hope.) The movie I saw was “Bridget Jones’ Baby”, and it was a sweet movie with Collin Firth in it, a wonderful actor, so very British, and lovely to look at. I always enjoy his movies. And Renee Zellweger (I hope I spelled that right!!). It’s the third in the Bridget Jones series of movies. And I totally loved it, some great British humor, very well written, some good laughs, and tender moments, and a very satisfying ending. It’s a real feel good movie, and if you like that kind of movie, you’ll love this one. I saw it with one of my daughters last week, and for a second time this week with one of my Godchildren. I love seeing movies again when I love them!!! I’ll get the DVD and probably watch it a few more times at some point. I highly recommend it. Best of breed in the realm of Ro-Co’s.

We have some real life happy endings at hand too. One of my daughters is getting married in a few weeks. My three oldest children are married, and have chosen wonderful partners, and have solid, happy marriages. My youngest 5 children aren’t married, but now one of them will be. We all love her future husband, he’s French, which makes sense given our family history, and culture, and my living in France a good part of the time. We’re all very excited about the wedding, of mostly family and some friends. She just found her dress a few days ago, and is VERY excited about it. So after this, half of my children will be married, and the other half not. And right now, I’m super busy planning the wedding. It’s a special time for her, and my wish for her is that they live Happily Ever After!!!! May it be so!!!

Have a great week, with all my love, Danielle

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4 Comments so far
  1. JoAnn Richardson September 27, 2016 11:29 am

    I’ve just closed the cover on your book “Blue” which was most enjoyable. Large print books are slower to come by in our library, I have a comment to make. Over the years I’ve read so many of your books. The word “and” jumps out at me every time, very overused in your writings. I’m looking forward to my next read, and thank you.

  2. Janine Hewitt September 27, 2016 4:00 pm

    I love your books and your blog! So grateful for the dreamy escapes from the real world. Your characters are so dimensional and your heroines have wonderful values and character qualities…keep them coming!!!

  3. A.B. September 29, 2016 6:57 pm

    Please don;t forget to post a pic of Nessie on her dress!

  4. Rob Scott September 29, 2016 9:26 pm

    Strange comment from the person regarding the use of “And”. This is the second time it has come up in this blog. The last one sounded like she had an axe to grind.

    Perhaps those readers are not seeing the forest for the trees.

    Always enjoy your writings and all the good you have done, Danielle!

    Keep up all your good work.

    Clad in the panoply of love human hatred cannot reach you.

    Truth, Wisdom, Love and Sincerity, to ALL Mankind.

    Rob Scott
    Oaxaca, Mexico