10/10/22, Moses and the Serpent

Hi Everyone,

I hope you’re busy and having some fun as the fall progresses into full bloom. I always like the fall weather, it revs up one’s engines and give us new energy. ( I love being lazy in summer when it’s warm, and the fall wakes me up again and gets me moving). I write a lot in the fall. I just finished a book, 2 re-writes, and am working on a new outline. The book I finished was a very big deal to me, because it is the 200th book I’ve written, which amazes even me. I wrote my first book at 19.

One of my daughters very bravely had four wisdom teeth extracted last week, and VERY understandably, she was fiercely anxious about it for weeks before. And I don’t blame her a bit, I’m one of those people who get nervous going to the dentist. She isn’t normally anxious about the dentist, but she was about having teeth pulled and worried about it. We were talking about it, and I told her it was going to be a lot easier than she thought (and fortunately it was), and another of my daughters was worried last week too about something else. I reminded them both about a story I remembered in the Bible, of Moses being afraid of a snake, and he reached down and grabbed it and it turned into a dry old wood stick in his hands. It’s an interesting parable and image, which seems true of life to me. (I love finding stories in the Bible that are helpful in my life). MOST of the things I have been terrified of, and really really worried or scared—-most of them turned out to be so much less frightening and dangerous when they actually happened, even easy. For those of us who are worriers (and I am one), deeply concerned about something that lies ahead, it rarely turns out to be as scary, dangerous or tragic than I expected. It’s a good thing to remember when we are tormenting ourselves over what’s to come. Not always, but in most cases, the snake turns out to be a dry old stick, and not a snake at all. Just a thought if that helps you too.

Have a wonderful week, peaceful, happy, with good surprises, and only small problems, or none at all!!!

Much love, Danielle

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1 Comment so far
  1. Beatriz Montoya October 15, 2022 8:00 am

    Buenas tardes. Mi madre es fanática de los libros de Usted Señora Steel. Cuando vivió en EEUU esos libros le ayudaron a sobre llevar una dura vida. Cuando regreso a Colombia mi padrastro se los quemó todos, para ella eran sus tesoros. Ahora ella tiene 60 años, es una mujer que siempre dió todo a los demás y a mi me gustaría darle el regalo de tener nuevamente su colección de libros, desde el primer libro hasta el último que usted ha escrito. Mi madre aún recuerda muy bien su inglés. Solo que ahora por una grave caída se rompió su cadera y no pudimos ayudar mucho ya que no somos personas de muchos recursos económicos. Me gustaría pedirle de corazón que me ayudara a cumplirle a mi madre el único deseo que ya tenido y que pueda volver a tener esa colección. Talvez para usted esos 200 libros que a escrito no son mucho en cuestión de conseguirlos , pero para mí madre serían su tesoro. Por favor ayúdeme. Se lo ruego. Vivimos en Cali Colombia.gracias