Come on, 2010

Hi Everybody,

Whew…well, the holidays are over, we got through them, mine were great with the kids, and we’re looking forward to another year. And to be honest for a minute, let’s hope that this year will be better than last. There were a lot of blessings in 2009, but if you’ll forgive me for whining for a minute, it was, in many ways, a hell of a year. It could have been worse, but we had our share of challenges and losses. Some of you may have read in the press that I was embezzled by a trusted employee of 16 years, I lost my stepmother, an amazing number of friends seem to have lost relatives last year, we were devastated by the death of my son Nick’s best friend, and we even lost two of our beloved dogs. For a while there, it felt like there was something hard, upsetting or sad happening every week. And the tough economy provided challenges for us all. So, I feel like we all ‘gave at the office’ last year, and I felt ready for a GREAT year as 2010 began.

In the meantime, we are all shocked and heartbroken at the devastation in Haiti. Let’s hope that puts an end to the traumas of the past year. People of good will from around the world will help Haiti recover and rebuild. The rest of us will move forward after our losses and disappointments in 2009.

Now let’s really hope that this year will be a great one. For all of us! It’s time!!


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12 Comments so far
  1. Ian Godfrey Branch January 29, 2010 4:39 am

    I am male, living in Kent England, and the ripe old age of 63 tomorrow, I have just completed reading “The Ring” a book given to me by my mother, and given to her by her distant cousin, signed To Thelma love Ron 1982. The book reminds me very much of the ring which, will now be passed on to my daughter, and hopefully hers. Just wanted to say, takes a lot to evoke so much emotion in an old man, you acheived it, in nice way, thankyou

  2. Dawn Hollund January 30, 2010 12:25 pm

    DITTO ~ my 2009 was terrible as well. Was laid off from a well paying job, now stuck working for barely minimum wage! Kids want everything, can’t is soo hard for me! Lost several pets as well, I totally understand.
    YOU are the one that kept me going. I read your books to get over all my losses and grief. You help me forget what’s my current crisis and I’m allowed an “escape”. One of our clients told me they saw you at a Dude ranch not long ago…I soo wish I was her. I would cherish meeting you. Maybe someday 🙂 You take care…Dawn

  3. Gloria January 30, 2010 7:15 pm

    Hi Danielle,

    it’s so true what you are saying. For me, 2009 also had too many challenges to bear and in the end I was just hoping for a new and better year to come.
    So now, the whole world is shocked by the catastrophe in Haiti but I think we have to focus on helping each other and love now.
    I’m sorry to hear you had so many losses and I really hope that we are all able to turn this year into a much better one!!
    And I also want to say: THANK YOU for your notes and of course for your books, they’ve often given me so much strength and hope in the past couple of years.

    Much love, Gloria

  4. Susie Lang January 30, 2010 11:22 pm

    I hope 2010 will be better too. This past year was a hell of a year with trying to find a job. The last days of 2009 I was betrayed by an employer and a friend in a horrible way. That was a devastating way to end 2009. So I hope this year will be better.

  5. Carol Diakoyannis January 31, 2010 7:38 am

    Dear Danielle, I am an absolute devoted fan of yours for many years. Today was the first time I actually went onto your website and am so excited to read about your new book coming out “Big Girl” and saw that you also have a fragrance named after you. Needless to say I immediately emailed Elizabeth Arden to find out how I can get hold of this perfume. I live in South Africa and its definetely not available in stores here.

    Keep writing girl! You are amazing

    Lots of love from Africa

  6. sally from phx az February 3, 2010 10:33 am

    I love your books because your stories are so true of our everyday life.Thanks for the many hours of reading pleasure you have given me.
    Question.Do you know anyone in Jafrey New Hampshire by the last name of Allen?

  7. Char Milbrett February 3, 2010 6:55 pm

    I actually have read only one of your books. I read it a long time ago. [Yes, it was a great book!] I read it cover to cover in four hours. I found it to be rather addicting, as it was very well written. I don’t dare sit down with another book…. [smile] I cannot tell you which book I read… but, perhaps the title is not an issue.

  8. kimmi February 4, 2010 7:29 pm

    To a hopeful and happy 2010 for all.

  9. Danielle King February 5, 2010 6:17 pm

    Dear Danielle, thank you for writting so many wonderfull books. I first bought your book Zoya at the age of 8 beacuse we have the same name, 21 years later I am still reading and loving your books. I enjoy reading about women overcomming all odds to be happy, I myself am a single mother who works full-time and goes to school full-time. I love geting lost in your books and because my daughter has grown up with me, always reading your books, she loves books as well.
    Thank you! Danielle King

  10. leuenberger evelyne February 19, 2010 1:15 pm

    chère Danielle,
    c’est avec une très grande émotion que je viens de lire votre livre hommage à votre fils Nick.
    Très émue par tout l’amour qu’une maman (vous)peut donner à son enfant différent. Je suis moi-même bipolaire, j’ai 53 ans, et n’ai malheureusement été détectée qu’à l’âge de 25 ans.
    Le plus douloureux pour moi est de n’avoir jamais reçu d’amour de la part de ma propre mère, car j’étais trop différente des autres.Seul mon père m’a aimée telle que je suis. Malheureusement, il est décédé et m’a laissée sans son amour qui m’était vital.Depuis son décès, je suis perdue. Grâce à votre livre, j’ai enfin compris pourquoi je ne dors pratiquement jamais, pourquoi je suis toujours malade ( j’ai subi 64 interventions chirurgicales ), et pourquoi malgré le bonheur que j’ai d’être la maman d’une jeune fille de 19 ans, j’ai toujours le désir d’en finir avec la vie( mes 3 premières tentatives de suicide ont eu lieu avant mes 17 ans). Je m’accroche pour mon mari et ma fille, mais c’est si douloureux!!!. je n’ai jamais pû en parler avec qui que se soit. Merci à vous de me lire et dêtre la femme merveilleuse que j’ai découverte à travers ce livre. Nick a eu de la chance de vous avoir pour mère.Je vous souhaite tout le bonheur que vous méritez jusquà la fin de votre incroyable vie.
    Avec tout le respect,l’ admiration et la tendresse que je ressens pour vous,je mepermets de vous embrasser

  11. Marilyn Nelson March 8, 2010 4:53 pm

    Danielle, I have read everyone of your books and find this last one “Big Girl” very appropriate. There is so much pressure put on our young ladies about weight that this book should be a must read and put in all libary’s.

    Keep those books coming as you are the best!

    Marilyn Nelson

  12. December 10, 2015 12:14 am

    Great insight! That’s the answer we’ve been looking for.