4/11/22, Resurrection, Rise and Shine!!!


Hi Everyone,


I hope life is sailing along, and that things are going well for you.


Every year, during this week before Easter, I touch on the religious and philosophical concept most dear to me. And with holidays of many religions converging at this time of year, it seems the appropriate time. The whole idea of Easter is Resurrection: Rising again, recovering, starting fresh and new. We’ve all had a hard run for the past two years, with Covid nipping at our heels, and a dark cloud over us for a lot of that time of the pandemic. And we are still feeling the impact of it, and are trying to outrun it with vaccines, and masks, and various forms of caution even two years later. It’s been a hard time for most people, particularly those who got sick, or lost loved ones. Covid has been very present in our lives for these two years, and has created new stresses and anxieties in our lives.


And aside from Covid, there is just plain old life. All the challenges we face daily, with kids, and jobs, and people we love, and bosses, and illnesses, car repairs and bills to pay. Life is a challenge. Some times are better than others. And some challenges are brutal. Some people’s lives just sail along, their kids never have major problems, their marriages were the right choice from Day One and still are, their kids don’t move away to other cities and live close to home, their jobs work out perfectly, and major tragedies have never happened to them. I know some people like that, although not many. And you probably do too. I wonder how they got so lucky. But most of us don’t have that smooth a ride in life. And among those people, who among us has not had a bitter disappointment, lost a person we loved dearly, or a job we really needed and lost it unfairly, who hasn’t had a problem with a child, or a betrayal by a friend, who hasn’t had a broken heart at some point, or a relationship that fell apart or marriage that ended badly. Most people have been through some tough stuff. It’s a struggle to bounce back from the hard blows, and you can wind up beaten down by life…..and that’s where I love the concept of resurrection. It is good to remember that religiously, before the resurrection, came the crucifixion. And THEN the resurrection came, AFTER the tough stuff.


I LOVE the idea of resurrection, rebirth, starting over, starting fresh, a clean slate—-even if you have NO religion. You don’t need a religion to believe in Resurrection of your spirit, of your body, of your life—-all you need is a tiny bit of faith that life can turn around and be okay again—that you can fall in love with the right person after the wrong one broke your heart, or that your bumpy relationship can recover, or that you can recover from an illness, find a new and better job—or the boss who nearly drove you insane and poisoned your life might quit and move on. Resurrection is the rainbow after the storms. It’s the chance to start again—to get another chance. It’s a fresh start after you thought you just couldn’t do it anymore. It is rising from the depths where you may have fallen, and getting another chance at life. And after you have suffered, how much more will you appreciate the gifts that life gives you—the recovered health, the new outlook on life, the relationship you’ve always hoped for, the person you love who recovers from an illness, the really good job that suits you perfectly. Good things do happen. Life can turn around. You are not doomed to be unhappy forever.


I love the idea of resurrection, and it always comes at the right time, when you really need it.


May you feel new again, and get a fresh start if you need one. May you feel reborn, with all the joy and peace that entails. For any of us who feel in need of a resurrection, may it be yours. And it can happen any time–not just on Easter. Easter is just a reminder that it is possible, and can happen for all of us.


May this be a special time for you, of resurrection, and the renewal of hope and joy in your life.


with all my love, now and always, Danielle


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5 Comments so far
  1. Patty Novak April 14, 2022 7:54 pm

    I am currently listening to your audiobook of “Pegasus” and it is bringing out a bit of emotion in me. As I listen to the different countries joining in the war, it is so close to what could be happening in the near future with Russia invading Ukraine. I feel so sad that so many young lives were lost in WWII. And now so many are losing their lives in this current war. But I have to tell you I am enjoying the story very much. I have listened to many of your books. Thank you for your creativity. God bless and Happy Easter!

  2. Rob Scott April 17, 2022 1:49 pm

    Thank you, Danielle.

    Happy Easter.

    I awoke early this morning and checked your blog. The title of this blog post alone lifted me first thing in the morning.

    Great message!

    Write on ….

    Rob Scott

  3. bonnie April 17, 2022 1:51 pm

    Praise God !!! I have been BORN AGAIN< as a new creature in Christ.And now I live in the Sprit and not in the flesh Such a blessing from the Lord.
    You are a blessing to so many…thank you.
    Loving you, Bonnie

  4. Beatrice April 18, 2022 6:11 am

    Thank you for this wonderful message.
    “it always comes at the right time, when you really need it”
    “And THEN the resurrection came, AFTER the tough stuff.”
    It is so uplifting!
    Have a fantastic day.

  5. William Spencer Johnson IV, CAPT. USN (Ret) August 29, 2022 3:00 pm

    I have just finished reading my first Danielle Steel novel, “Flying Angels”. The product of a Navy family, a graduate of the US Naval Academy (63), a veteran of 35 years in Navy uniform, a commander of destroyers, and the proud parent of a Naval Academy graduate (93). I want to congratulate you on getting everything you depicted exactly right.
    Thank you and WELL DONE!!
    Most sincerely,
    W, Spencer Johnson
    Captain, US Navy (Ret)