11/8/16, In the eye of the storm

Hi Everyone,

I hope you’ve had a good week. I’ve been flying from one place to another, so I apologize for not getting the blog up yesterday. While the whole country is in an anxious frenzy over the elections, I am dealing with much smaller, less important, but enjoyable pursuits. A visit with one of my daughters in New York, and a quiet weekend with her, then back on a plane again. I came home to my brand new tiny Chihuahua puppy. She is so cute and lively and fun, she plays like crazy and then goes back to sleep.

On a more personal level, I hope you’ve read my newest book, it just came out, “The Award”, I’m very excited about it, and I love the story about a young woman who fights in the Resistance, and then is mistaken for a collaborator at the end of the war. Many, many years later, her grand daughter fights to clear her name, and have her grandmother recognized as the war hero she was. It’s a very touching, poignant story, and I hope you will love it!!!!

Over the weekend, with my daughter, we watched a fantastic new British series, “The Crown”, about the early years of Queen Elizabeth II.   It is remarkably well done, my daughter and I loved it.  It’s available on Netflix. And it tells about a fascinating period of history, right after the war, and is a fascinating glimpse into the monarchy. It’s amazing to think that the queen is still on the throne 65 years later, and going strong. We loved the show!!!

I hope that whoever wins the election is the right person to run the country. We can only hope….

And if you need some distraction from it all, I hope you read my latest book, “The Award”.

Have a fantastic week !!!

much love, Danielle

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6 Comments so far
  1. Marguerite November 8, 2016 2:57 pm

    Just finished reading “Rushing Waters” which having just been through a hurricane a few weeks ago could identify with the feelings an approaching storm engenders. Now looking forward to reading “The Award”. You always produce a good story with believable characters and situations, Ms. Steel.

    Wishing you a happy week and lots of enjoyment getting to know you’re new puppy.

  2. Genevieve November 9, 2016 9:20 am

    You must watch : ” downton abbey ” on Netflix !!??????

  3. Deeds November 9, 2016 10:40 am

    Thank goodness I have AWARD to read this afternoon…I so definitely need distraction…9-11 and 11-9…

  4. Renata Horváth November 9, 2016 12:09 pm

    Dear Danielle,I’m very excited about your new book. Unfortunately it has not yet published in Hungary. I hope it will be available soon in Hungarian. I can’t wait to purchase it ?. One of my favorite books from you is “Mixed Blessings”. This story really touched me because my husband and I had to wait long to have a baby. But “His Bright Light” remains my biggest favorite.
    With love,Renata

  5. Rob Scott November 9, 2016 7:05 pm

    From CNN.com – River of Tears:

    One woman named Kerry wept as she headed toward the exits, saying she had to hurry home to her 16-year-old daughter.

    “Because I promised her hope. I promised her hope. And this man is despicable,” she said, her words broken between sobs. “I don’t know what happened. I’m so disappointed in this country, and I don’t know what to say to her. I don’t know what to tell her.”

    Kerry, who does IT work at a school and lives outside of New York City, said before walking away that she was “horrified” for her daughter.

    Truth, Wisdom, Love and sincerity, to ALL Mankind.

    Rob Scott
    Oaxaca, Mexico
    River of Tears

  6. Carole Kangas November 10, 2016 4:08 pm

    Just finished reading “The Award” and I thought it was excellent, could hardly put the book down. “Blue” is still my favorite and “The Award” is right after. Keep bringing them on.
